Reduction and the requirements for obtaining the title of "Champion" ("Premier")


Champion - CH

Premier - PR

International Champion - IC

Interpremior - IP

Grandinterchempion - GIC

Grandinterpremior - GIP

European champion - EU

European Premier - EP

World Champion - WW

American Champion FIFe - FAC

American Premier FIFe - FAP

To get the title of Champion or Premier, a cat (the cat) must have three certificates CAC or CAP, respectively, from three different judges at three national or international exhibitions under the auspices of FIFe.
SAS is awarded in the "Open" (09) class.
ATS awarded in a class of "eunuchs" (10).

Requirements for obtaining the title "International Champion" (Interpremior)
To get the title of International Champion or Interpremior (cat) must have three certificates or CAPIB CACIB in three different judges in two different countries on three international exhibitions under the auspices of FIFe.Posle get two certificates or CACIB CAPIB in one country, the cat (the cat) must have third certificate CACIB CAPIB or in another country.
Exceptions are made for members as outlined in Article 5, paragraph b, and the Annexes 1,3,4,5 and 6. (Note VOKLK - to Russia until December 31, 2005 - to get the title "International Champion" or "Interpremior, cat (the cat) can get five or CAPIB CACIB certificates from three different judges in one country).
CACIB is awarded in the class of "Champions" (07).
CAPIB awarded in the class "Pemiorov" (08).

Requirements for obtaining the title of "Grandinterchampion" (Grandinterpremior)
To get the title or Grandinterchampion Grandinterpremior, the cat should receive six or certificates CAGCIB CAGPIB from three different judges in the three countries at international exhibitions under the auspices of FIFe. After receiving four or certificates CAGCIB CAGPIB in one country, the cat (the cat) should get the fifth and sixth certificate CAGCIB CAGPIB or other countries.
Exceptions are made for members as outlined in Article 5b and Appendices 1,3,4,6. (Note VOKLK - to Russia until December 31, 2005 - to get the title "GrandInterchempion" or "Grandinterpremior, the animal can get seven or CAPIB CACIB certificates from three different judges in two different countries).
CACIB is awarded in the class "Interchampions" (05).
CAPIB awarded in the class "Interpremiorov" (06).

Requirements for obtaining the title "European Champion" (European Premier)
To get the title of European Champion (American Champion FIFe) or European Premier (American Premier FIFe), cat (the cat) must get nine or certificates CACE CAPE from three different judges in three different countries at international exhibitions under the auspices of FIFe. After receiving seven certificates or CACE CAPE in one country, the cat (the cat) should get the eighth and ninth CACE certificate or CAPE in two other different countries.
Exceptions are made for members as outlined in Article 5, paragraph b, and Appendices 3,5,6. (Except for Russia - not!).
CACE is awarded in the class "Grandinterchempionov" (03).
CAPE awarded in the class "Grandinterpremiorov" (04).

Referee signature
If the referee had already awarded the certificate to the cat (the cat) that he must try again, to get the next certificate, exhibitor has the right to request another judge, judging at this show, to sign a new certificate. In this case, these two certificates are considered to be derived from two different judges.
National judges in non-European countries - members of FIFe can award certificate CAC or CAP without a second signature.

Nickname of a cat (cats) must be indicated in the diploma that accompanies the evaluation sheet the judges, or must be placed in the evaluation sheet at the end of Best in Show.

The transition to a higher class exhibition
Once exposed cat (the cat) has received valid title (3, 6 or 9 certificate), it should be set at the higher level, subject to Articles 20, 21 and 22. Cat (cat) in one country can not get three of the same certificate (6 and 9), exceeding the CAC / CAP.

Refusal to award a certificate and a disqualification
The judge has the right not to award a certificate (CACE, Sarah, CAGCIB, CAGPIB, CACIB, CAPIB, CAC, CAP, BIV), if in his opinion, expose the animal does not have sufficient quality. Signed second judge in this case is not required. The reason the certificate is not awarded, should be listed in the evaluation sheet.
Scorecard is issued to each exhibitor, even if his disqualification, but without evaluation, except for those cats (cats) that must be disqualified under Article 16 f, g, if parasites are found. In the evaluation sheet must indicate the reason for disqualification, and he signed a veterinarian exhibition.

Join the stud book
All cats must be registered in the LO or RIEX-books members FIFe, except exhibited in the class "house cats" and "Rookie."

Adoption titles
Required number of certificates CAC, CAP, CACIB, CAPIB, CAGCIB, CAGPIB, CACE, CAPE, a specific qualification for the title of "Champion", "Premier", "International Champion", "In-terpremior, Grand International Champion, Grand Interpremior "," European Champion "," European Premier, come into force only after approval by the National Federation or Club, to whom belongs the cat owner (cats).
To get the title, the owner of a cat (cats) must notify the National Secretariat of the receipt of determining the certificates within one month after the third certificate CAC, CAP, CACIB, CAPIB; sixth certificate CAGCIB, CAGPIB Ninth certificate or CACE, CAPE. (Note to Russia - there are situations under Art. 20 and 21). (Notes The title is awarded only after the submission within a month after determining the certificate application to the VOKLK for approval and registration. Self-use is not registered in VOKLK title, as well as participation in exhibitions in classes higher than the confirmed title FIFe registered after one month - not allowed).

Best In Show (BIS) - Best in Show
Best in Show winner may be selected
The total - from all categories:

  • PER / EXO
  • SLH
  • Shorthair / SOM
  • Oriental cats.

Individual - in each category:

  • SLH
  • Shorthair / SOM
  • Oriental cats..

Requirements for BIS:

  • cats (cats) must be submitted with the number corresponding to the catalog number;
  • they must be inspected and probe each member of the jury «Best in Show»;
  • This examination should be made public;
  • organizer must determine how the choice will be the winners - secret or open ballot.
  • Judges should be aware of the chosen method of advance;
  • each presented the judge a candidate received at least 97 points;
  • not allowed to refuse nomination for Best in Show, if the exhibitor has received the required number of 97 points in its class;
  • Judges who do not have a casting vote in the selection of Best in Show (judge on probation - probational judges), must submit its best cat (cats);
  • when choosing a Best in Show from all categories (Best of Best), the jury Best in Show must include at least one international judge for all breeds;
  • when choosing a Best in Show separately in each category, the jury could include international judges on the relevant categories;
  • to be represented on the Best in Show, an adult applicant must have a title of Best in Variety (BIV);
  • However, if the number of cats (cats) are not sufficient to select the best in color, the judge may nominate for Best in Show Cat (cat), who received at least 97 points, but have not received Best in Variety;
  • Judge may nominate an adult cat (cat) on the adult Best in Show, even if he lost the comparison in color junior 6-10 months or kitten 3-6 months, or another adult cat (cat) of the opposite sex in the same color, but on condition that he received while at least 97 points;
  • Justice may nominate a castrato, even if he lost another castrato of the opposite sex in the same color, with the proviso that the gelding was at least 97 points;
  • judge for a probationary period are not included in the jury Best in Show, but must be present;
  • when the vote is equal, the decision may be taken in the following ways:
  • arbitrator, an Acting Judge in this exhibition, which is qualified in this group of rocks;
  • lottery
  • If the judge has completed assessment and nomination of cats (cats) to Best in Show in one or more categories, the resumption of this examination by the judge of other cats (cats) in the same category are not allowed.
  • A judge shall not abstain from voting in the Best in show.

Best in Variety (BIV) = 95 points
Titles Best in Show and Best in Variety must be indicated on the evaluation sheets.

Best in Variety (BIV) is selected by the judge of all animals of the same color, regardless of age and gender, provided that there are at least 3 animals of this color.

In the case of a large number of competitors in the BIV, can be assigned to a maximum of 3 different BIV (kittens W - b months, 6-10 months and young adults). BIV can be selected using the new rules. See attached examples.

Alters are compared separately with each other, except for animals under 10 months.

If BIV received kitten 6-10 months (Class 11), the judge may also nominated for BIS kitten 3-6 months (Class 12) of the same color and vice versa.

Specifying a BIV, NOM and BIS in the evaluation sheets
Titles Best in Show (BIS) and Best in Variety (BIV), as well as a nomination for BIS (BIS NOM) should be indicated in the evaluation sheets.

BIV and BIS for castrates
Alters do not participate in the Best in Show, or in BIV.
They compete for the titles of "Best in Variety Neuter and Best Neutered.

The title "World Champion"
Each cat (cat), who won a Best in Show at the World Expo, receive the title "World Champion" and the year of the exhibition.

The title of "Outstanding (honorary) quality» (DM)
To get the title of "Outstanding (honorary) quality» (DM), the cat must perform at least five children who received the title of International Champion / Interpremior or DM, and the cat must perform at least 10 children who received the title International Champion / Interpremior or DM. (GA-2003).
Offset only FIFe titles. Title «DM» is placed after the full nicknames cat.

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